Sunday, 4 May 2014

Okay, But How Does it Work?

Now that I've got you hooked, here's a look at the science side of the scooter.  Kick scooters are very simple devices. They typically have 2 wheels, one at the front and one at the back. They are connected by a long plank-like piece of metal, and look similar to a skateboard. To move, the rider simply has one foot on the plank and pushes off the ground with the other. The faster you push, the faster you go. Once you have built up enough momentum you can put both feet on the plank for a bit and let it roll. To  bring the scooter to a stop when you are already going slow, you just put your foot down on the ground. When you're going fast and can't stop yourself just by stepping off, there is a piece of metal positioned over the back wheel that you push with your foot to slow yourself down. The science behind this device that allows it to work is all in the wheels. The hard rubber material that the wheels of some razor scooters are made of today creates the perfect amount of friction for a smooth, soundless ride. It's a very simple design, but effective. The handlebars are also essential for balance, especially on the two wheeled models.

A labelled diagram of some of the qualities featured on todays Razor scooter

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